Discover your Spending Personality with the FACESTM test

FACES - The 5 Spending PersonalitiesTM



Familiarity personalities enjoy being in control of themselves, their lives and their money. They hate feeling as if control has been taken away from them. They might even feel a sense of panic or fear when their anchor expectations are not met. This makes them very loyal and not as easily moved by reasonable price changes. They appreciate predictability because it feeds their sense of clarity, control, safety, and togetherness. Familiarity spenders do not like change. They like what they like and are not looking to switch.



Affirmation personalities are fans of specific brands and the stories they tell. They derive a deep sense of joy, status, and fulfillment by owning specific, unique, one-of-a-kind items. They are connoisseurs of the good life – and they know it. These are the people who offer you their recommendations on the very best coffee, the best whiskey, the artisanal cheese, a must-try restaurant. Because they believe that the right brand could mean the difference between winning and losing, they carefully curate what they buy. Affirmation personalities certainly know how to make an entrance and catch the attention of the right people wherever they go.



As long as what they buy does the job for right now, they are happy campers. Carefree spenders avoid stress. Just tell them the parameters and leave them alone. They want to put things in their shopping baskets without thinking too hard about it. They do not enjoy making lists. They are driven by their emotions and will often see shopping as a positive form of stress-release. They don’t think too much about it. They are not necessarily loyal to a brand, but are loyal to whatever gets the job done right now.



Economist personalities are mindful shoppers. They care about value for money. But not all economist personalities define value in the same way. Value for them can be defined in the product’s quantity per price, quality per price, or even its impact on a cause that matters to them. This is why it is very important to understand their core guiding values when communicating your product’s value to them. They love to find a good deal or a way to optimize their spending. They check labels for quantities and ingredients. The clearer and more available the information, the better.


Social Proof

They buy what people in their social circle have come to trust. They impute the trust they have of their community to the products that that community implicitly or explicitly endorses. Social proof buyers trust the recommendations of their mothers, friends, and trusted reviewers. They are the original word-of-mouth buyers. While they may sometimes appear indecisive, they’re actually looking out for social proof. They are quick to buy when it comes highly recommended, but tentative when no one close to them has endorsed it.

Why FACES® matter




Discover who you are, what makes you happy and the ways money matters to you.


Align your spending to the products and services that uniquely serve your core motivations and meet your personal goals.


Have honest, fruitful, and enlightening conversations about money with those that you love.


Discover how your spending personality can drive your career decisions and money management outcomes.


Discover how your spending personality can enhance growth and development in your romantic relationships.


Identify and avoid the triggers that often lead you to bad financial decisions.




People hate ads. Stop advertising to them; listen to them.


Address what’s most important to your customers – who they are, what they value, and what makes them fulfilled.


Build contextual and human-centered strategies and products that speak specifically to unique consumer types.


Develop deep empathy and respect for your customers that equips you in ways that equip you to predict trends and serve them well even in uncertain times.


Create shared value between you and your consumers in a way that is authentic and drives repeat business.


It’s a privilege when customers spend their hard-earned cash at your business. Get the insights to help you meet and exceed their expectations.